I’m very appreciative of anyone who visits my site simply to enjoy the images.

But should you see one that you’d like to own, here’s how I suggest we proceed.

For licencing, use in a brochure, ad, website, or any other commercial application, please contact me through this site. 

If you'd like to acquire a print for framing, it is very important to me that you are totally pleased with the end product. To make sure this happens, I will handle all the details personally. 

Unlike many photographers, I don't quote standard prices because my images don't come in standard dimensions. Each is individually sized and there are numerous other factors, both artistic and technical, that determine how large any given image should be printed - maximum size varies from one image to the next. Also, the look and style of each image will suggest the ideal printing surface, like various paper types, metal or canvas. All these variables determine the final cost. I will only produce prints of the absolute highest quality. When you have decided on an image, contact me through this site (please include your phone number) and I will respond  to discuss options - size, surface finish, etc. Once the specifics are determined, I will quote you a final price, you send me a check, and I will proceed to supervise the production of the print and securely ship it to the address you specify.

By doing it this way you can be sure that what ends up on your wall will meet your expectations and bring you many years of pleasure. 


Note:  All images shown on this site are copyright protected (© Klaus Gensheimer. All Rights Reserved), and may not be used for any purpose without the photographer's prior written consent.